Contact & School Access

Saint Maur International School

83 Yamate-cho, Naka-ku Yokohama, Kanagawa (Greater Tokyo) Japan 〒231-8654
学校法人 サンモールインターナショナルスクール 〒231-8654 神奈川県横浜市中区山手町83番地

If you come by taxi

Please show this to the Taxi Driver.

If you come by train

Keihin Tohoku & Yokohama Lines

  • From Yamate station walk (view the ititnerary here) or ride the #20 bus to Myoukouji Mae (妙香寺前) stop

  • From Sakuragi-cho station, ride #11 bus to Motomachi Koen Mae (元町公園前) next to Bluff Clinic

  • From Ishikawa-cho station, walk

Minato Mirai Line

  • From Motomachi-chukagai station, use the Motomachi Exit to go to America-Yama Park and walk to school (view the itinerary here)

Accessing the school campus

Please use the map provided here as reference for the various access points to the campus.

The Main Gate of the school (green marker) besides the Green Gate, is accessible by the 115 Futaba steps (purple marker), the stairs adjacent to Futaba Elementary School (red marker) and the road between the Futaba High School building and the field (blue marker).

Students and families must use public transportation and/or walk or bike to school.

Notice for bicycle users

There are two areas where bicycles may be parked on campus. Via the Green Gate, bicycles may be parked in the area in front of the Elementary School classrooms. Should the campus be accessed by the Kitagata Gate, bicycles may be parked along the slope just beyond the gate.

Bicycles parked in any other public area (in front of the apartments or on the street or in Kirin Park) may be confiscated by the Police and must not be parked there.
