Bring Your Own Technology Program
Participation in the Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Program is a requirement for all High School students at Saint Maur International School (click here to read the BYOT agreement). Participation in the program is not a requirement for Middle School students but is encouraged. The program permits students to bring their laptop to school and connect it to the school’s WiFi network to support their learning.
All Devices Welcome Here
We do not discriminate! Whether your device is a Mac or running Windows or Linux, do not worry, it is welcome on our SaintMaurXT network. As a device is just a tool to support the learning process, and as some have a preference for Windows while others have a preference for macOS, we believe parents and students should be given the choice as to which device/platform they will use at school. Before purchasing a new device, however, please ensure it meets our minimum requirements.
Filtered Internet
The school is subscribed to a content filtering service to ensure all incoming traffic from the internet is appropriate for our students. To receive filtered content, as stipulated in the agreement, all students must connect their device to the SaintMaurXT network while on campus.
Away for the Day
Research shows students do better with phones away during school hours. It is a requirement for all Middle and High School students at Saint Maur to put their phone (smart and non-smart) away for the day. This means Middle and High School students must place their phone in their locker by 8am and not engage with it until 3:20pm, Monday to Friday.
Tech-free Zones
Tech-free zones are places at school where technology is simply not permitted. Tech-free zones are sometimes established because a particular environment is not conducive to technology. Other times, these zones are created to encourage and facilitate face-to-face communication. At Saint Maur, tech-free zones have been set up in several locations, including the Cafeteria during lunch break.
All parents and students are advised to read and sign the Saint Maur BYOT Agreement prior to bringing their device to school.