Parent Support Group
As a parent of a Saint Maur student, you are automatically a member of the Parent Support Group (PSG). A volunteer-run group, we organise activities and events for parents, students and staff, including Welcome Meetings, monthly Coffee Mornings with speakers, the Welcome Picnic, social events, bake sales at Fine Arts performances and the annual Christmas Bazaar... the list goes on. The proceeds from the Christmas Bazaar are distributed each year via Fund Requests from parents, students and school staff and to charities chosen by parents.
We welcome all parents, and encourage everyone to take as active role in the community as they feel able: our school is diverse and international and and we believe our children hugely benefit from our embrace of that richness. We are always interested in how parents can develop themselves, their talents and skills whilst volunteering.
If you have any questions about the PSG, are interested in getting involved, or would just like to talk about life in Japan, please get in touch on
You can access the PSG calendar by following this link.
Executive Commitee

ChairRenata Jaroscakova

Vice ChairCaroline Piggott

SecretaryMalu Mancinelli

TreasurerKana Iwata

TreasurerYoriko Hara