- Timothy Matsumoto
- Academics
IB, AP, and IGCSE Results 2018
The IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations for the tenth graders are held in two sessions every year: October/November and May/June. Each subject is separately graded with each student taking exams in several different subjects. The IGCSE results for the sophomores of 2017/18 were issued mid- August.
The Saint Maur students achieved a large number of A* and A grades, accounting for almost one third of all the grades (30% to be exact). Moreover 87% of the grades were at least a C or above (C grades and above are generally recognized as "good" passing grades). 22 of our Saint Maur students scored C and above on all their IGCSE exam.
The formal certificates will be presented later this year. We ask that students look after those certificates carefully, because an increasing number of universities (including those in the USA) are requiring the certificates to be submitted as part of the application process.
Congratulations to all last year's sophomores, who have now embarked on their IB courses in Grade 11 on a solid foundation and with the knowledge of how to succeed in examinations that are administered and marked by an external authority.
The Advanced Placement (AP) program is administered by the College Board to award college credit and advanced standing in college classes to students who have taken demanding, rigorous college-level courses while still in high school. AP exams are given world-wide, mainly to students at the end of Grades 11 or 12. Universities throughout the U.S., Canada, and other English-speaking countries accept AP results, often giving students the equivalent of a semester or a full year of credit.
Saint Maur students have taken AP courses and exams for many years, and last year 31 students (11 seniors and 20 juniors) took a total of 49 AP exams in nine subjects. This accomplishment was due to ambitious students who were willing to challenge themselves with a demanding exam and to dedicated teachers who offered to help prepare them for these exams. In most cases, students who are taking IB courses cover much of the curriculum that they must know for the AP exams; but they still have to learn the AP exam format and some material which is not included in the IB curriculum. All of the students deserve recognition for their hard work and success!
In May 2018, students in Grades 11 and 12 took AP exams in the following nine subjects: English Language, English Literature, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Micro-Economics, Macro-Economics, Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Science. AP scores range from 5 to 1. A score of 3 is considering passing at a college level, while scores of 4 or 5 are equivalent to college credit for at least one semester (and often a full year) in the subject. The 2018 results included 39 scores of 3 or higher on the 49 exams, including ten exams that earned the highest score of 5.
When scores from exams which they took in Grade 11 are added to those from Grade 12, graduates of the Class of 2018 are eligible to receive college credit for 34 exam results out of 37 attempts. In fact, eight of those scores were the highest possible: 5.
The Advanced Placement program has announced its annual AP Scholar Awards, including four Saint Maur students who graduated in June. To be eligible for the award of AP Scholar, a student must receive grades of 3 or higher on at least three AP exams. An even higher award is AP Scholar with Honor: a student must earn grades of 3 or higher on at least four AP exams, with an average score of at least 3.5.
Two graduates of the Class of 2018 were awarded the title of AP Scholar: Connor Harrington (now attending the University of California at Berkeley in the U.S.A.) and Lynn Stevenson Hatayama (now attending the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, U.K.).
Two more graduates of the Class of 2018 were recognized as AP Scholars with Honor: Eugene Oharu (now enrolled in the Combined Biology-Chemistry Program at Osaka University in Toyonaka, Osaka) and Shizuku Sunagawa, who has entered a dual degree program at Columbia University in New York City, U.S.A., and Institut d’etudes politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) in Reims, France. Each of them took five AP exams in Grades 11 and 12.
In addition, two current students, now entering Grade 12, received AP recognition. Yilin Qi earned the title of AP Scholar for her scores on three AP exams in Grade 11, while Pyokyeong Son was named an AP Scholar with Honor for taking four AP exams and scoring a perfect 5 on all four of them.
Saint Maur is the only IB school in Japan which also provides students the chance to take AP exams. Other non-IB international schools teach the AP curriculum exclusively, and thus their students are prepared specifically for the AP exams, whereas Saint Maur students must study for IB exams at the same time. Nevertheless, Saint Maur students are able to achieve scores comparable to those of other international school students in Japan, and much higher than the world average. The average AP score for Saint Maur students last year was 3.9, compared to 3.7 for all of Japan and 2.9 for the entire world. Our average scores for large-entry subjects such as Micro-Economics and Calculus are also regularly well above the average for Japan and far above the world average.
Congratulations to all of the students who earned AP scores, including credit in university courses and advanced course placement in those subjects!
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Examinations are held every May over a three week period. This past May, 41 students sat IB exams, 22 of whom were Grade 12 Full Diploma Candidates. Nine Grade 11 students completed the Math SL course as an anticipated subject.
In order to receive the IB Diploma, Full Diploma Candidates need to successfully earn at least 24 points on six exams; successfully complete the Creativity-Activity-Service (CAS) requirement over two years; successfully complete the Theory of Knowledge (ToK) course; and successfully complete an Extended Essay (EE) which is an independently written academic research paper of 4000 words or less. The maximum point total is 45 (a maximum of 42 points from six subject exams and up to three bonus points for work submitted for the ToK course and the EE). This past year, all 22 Full Diploma Candidates successfully completed the requirements to earn the IB Diploma with an average score of 33 points out of 45. The average subject grade obtained by candidates who passed the diploma was 5.17.
In particular, congratulations to eight Diploma Candidates who earned 35 or more points. Seven students scored between 35 and 39 points and there was one student who scored 40 points or more with the highest score awarded to Shizuku Shinagawa who was three points away from a perfect score for which less than 0.3% of the entire population achieve.
The Bilingual Diploma recognizes those Diploma Candidates who studied a second Group 1 Language course. Congratulations to four Full Diploma Candidates for achieving the Bilingual Diploma this past year.
The eight Grade 12 IB Course Candidates averaged 3.89 points per subject exam.
Of all courses examined, our overall student average grades exceeded the world-wide average in 16 courses.
Nine Grade 11 students took the Math SL exam as an anticipated course. Their results were excellent. The average score was 6.3 points with five students scoring the maximum score of seven.
THANK YOU to all for the collaborative efforts which allowed our recently graduated seniors the opportunity to move forward with their post-secondary aspirations. We wish them the best in their future educational endeavors around the world.