- Campbell Boyd
- Academics
IGCSE Examination Results May 2022
The IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations for the tenth graders are held in two sessions every year: October/November and May/June. Last academic year, in spite of the disruptions caused by the COVID-19, all students at Saint Maur were able to complete all their IGCSE examinations. The results of which were released on 18th August 2022.
The Saint Maur students achieved a large number of A* and A grades, accounting for over half of all the grades (55% to be more precise). Moreover, 90% of the grades were at least a C or above (C grades and above are generally recognized as "good" passing grades).
The formal certificates will be presented later this year. We ask that students look after those certificates carefully, because an increasing number of universities (including those in the USA) are requiring the certificates to be submitted as part of the application process.
Congratulations to all last year's sophomores, who have now embarked on their IB courses in Grade 11 on a solid foundation and with the knowledge of how to succeed in examinations that are administered and marked by an external authority.