- Oliver Alexander & Campbell Boyd
- Academics
IGCSE & IB Examination Results 2023
The IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations for the tenth graders are held every year in May/June. Last academic year all Grade 10 students at Saint Maur were able to complete all their IGCSE examinations.
The results of which were released on 18th August 2023. The Saint Maur students achieved a large number of A* and A grades, accounting for very nearly half of all the grades (49.53% to be precise). Moreover, 92% of the grades were at least a C or above (C grades and above are generally recognized as "good" passing grades). The formal certificates will be presented later this year. We ask that students look after those certificates carefully, because an increasing number of universities (including those in the USA) are requiring the certificates to be submitted as part of the application process.
Congratulations to all last year's sophomores, who have now embarked on their IB courses in Grade 11 on a solid foundation and with the knowledge of how to succeed in examinations that are administered and marked by an external authority. The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB DP) examinations are held every May over a three week period, with 179,919 candidates taking exams worldwide in May 2023. Following the cancellation of the May 2020 examinations, the IB reintroduced a limited number of examinations in May 2021. May 2022 involved a gradual return to the previous assessment structure, with further papers added back in, but grading adjusted to continue accommodating for the global disruption to student learning. By May 2023, the IB returned basically to ‘business as normal’, with all assessments reinstated, and a return to the grade boundaries used in May 2019.
For context, in order to receive the full IB Diploma, standard general requirements include that candidates earn at least 24 points across six subjects; complete the Creativity-Activity-Service (CAS) requirement over two years; complete the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course; and write an Extended Essay (EE), which is an independently written 4000-word academic research paper. The maximum point total is 45 (with up to 42 points available from the six subjects, and up to three additional points available for work submitted for TOK and the EE). In May 2023, 32 students in Grade 12 at Saint Maur sat the IB examinations, 23 of whom were full IB Diploma candidates. All 23 of these students successfully completed the requirements to earn the IB Diploma, in comparison with a worldwide pass rate of 79.67%. The cohort had a mean total points score of 33.09 points out of 45, exceeding the world mean of 30.24. The average subject grade obtained by students undertaking the full IB Diploma was 5.19 (out of 7), surpassing the worldwide mean subject grade of 4.83. Particular congratulations are due to the three full IB Diploma candidates (13% of the cohort) who earned 40 or more points. Our highest score this year was 43 points. The Bilingual Diploma recognizes those IB Diploma candidates who studied two Group 1 language courses (for example, English A and Japanese A language and literature).
Congratulations to the ten students who achieved a Bilingual Diploma this year. This year, the IB Course Candidates achieved an average subject grade of 4.12 across their subjects - well done to each of them. And finally, thank you to everyone in the community - teachers, parents, friends, tutors - for their support of our recently graduated students. We fondly wish our graduates all the best in their future educational endeavors around the world.