- Rosina Mansson
- Religion
Grade 11 Students Reflect on Being Moral Citizens
During the Grade 11 Day of Reflection, we focused on being Moral Citizens and how to do it by showing affection and love in our very important platonic relationships. Students were asked to consider that long-lasting love comes in many form and for many, their 'soulmates' may be our friends who know us, love us and walk their journey with us.
Some friendships are like Sakura blossoms; they only come for a season but during that time, they are engaging, important and take up all our attention. And some other friendships are like Japanese Cedar trees; they take roots, grow, change, shift but last a lifetime. Appreciating both kinds of friendships is an important lesson for young adults. This a particularly significant for our students at an international school who have either attended a number of schools across the world or have been at Saint Maur for many years and have seen friends needing to leave. It was impressive to see the maturity and honesty that our Grade 11s showed in discussing the ache that sometimes comes with seeing friends move away and no longer be present.
In understanding those friendships and the richness they bring into our lives, students also engaged in understanding the importance of working out how we as individuals feel valued and also how others around us may see certain gestures as expressions of love.
Fundamentally, the day was one of great laughs, deep thinking and working together as a cohort as they will soon embark on that very important journey together, as loyal friends, into their senior year.