- Denise Dentici
- Alumni
The Class of 1983 Reunites On Campus
July 8 th was a treasurable day full of hugs, laughter and joy for the Class of 1983 as classmates joined from many locations worldwide and walked through the main gate together wearing a “40 th Reunion” t-shirt.
While the school was just the same in many ways with the old well, gate, outer stairs down to the Kitagata gate, classrooms, hallways where we were too often told to stop running, and staircases where we used to slide down the banisters, we were totally fascinated with the new facilities and all the renovations. We were most impressed with the new Sports and Activity Center while reminiscing the days when we were very enthusiastic in playing basketball, volleyball and dodgeball.
The facilities, equipment and shower rooms were a big “WOW”, and all with air conditioning! The Fine Arts Center, library and auditorium were also superb, leaving us amazed and proud of how our school has evolved to the next level of competence. Lunch at the Cougar Café was very tasty and the freshly baked cookies were the best. Sitting together brought back so many fond memories, and we even started singing the school anthem.
Big appreciation to Koshizu and everyone at Saint Maur who organized this event and looking forward to having another opportunity as the school continues to grow.