- Gabriela Osada
- Events
A Stage Full of Colors - 2018 Ballet Club Mini-Spring Recital
Monday April 23rd was sure to become an exciting day for twenty-two Montessori and Elementary School students who performed in the 3rd Ballet Club Mini-Spring Recital in the Auditorium. During lunch, the Montessori classroom was transformed to a hair salon where the little ballet performers had their chignon hairstyle done. Just before Period 6 ended, the Elementary School students headed to the Auditorium Dressing Room and joined the Montessori’s transformation to graceful and stylish ballet dancers.
Once the doors opened to welcome parents, families, teachers and friends, the space was filled with excitement to see their dancers perform the awaited Spring Recital. The Elves and the Shoemaker by Josef Strauss performed by the Montessori students was the beginning of the presentation. With red, blue, orange and green outfits, a stage full of colors brightened the room. March from Don Quixote danced by the Elementary students followed showing their year long practice. And last but not least, our guest performer, Nobue Kaneko from the Millefeuille Ballet School performed the Swanhilda’s Variation for Act Three of Coppelia with elegance.
“There were alternate frowns of concentration and huge smiles as the children enthusiastically displayed their best moves for the audience. I loved the way that they all helped each other out and the ‘twirls’ were amazing. The children looked really elegant in their dresses, the lovely pinky-purple of Elementary School and the rainbow of colors for Montessori. I almost didn’t recognize my children in their outfits and coiffed hair. Also, what a treat to see the guest dancer in action. My children really enjoyed themselves and were chatting about it all the way home. A huge thank you to Takino Sensei and everyone that helped with the club.” was the comment from Dr. Mary Anne Suzuki, parent of Daphne (2N) and Jemima (2H).
The delighted dancers received the ovation from the public and this year’s recital came to an end with great gratitude to Tomoka Takino Sensei who received a bouquet of beautiful flowers. Since 2015, we have been honored to have the instruction and guidance of Takino Sensei, Professional Ballet Instructor and Head of Mille-Feuille Ballet School, who meets once a week with our students. The Montessori and Elementary School Ballet Club that began 6 years ago, thanks to Mrs. Phyllis Engstrom, has had the goal to introduce children to basic ballet exercises, movements, balance, poise and rhythm.
We congratulate all of our students and appreciate the support of Ms. Sallie Inoue, Ballet Club Moderator, Ms. Barbara Hill, Assistant Ballet Club Moderator, and everyone who made this event possible.