- Dr Mary Anne Suzuki
- Science
Invitation to Saint Maur International School MS Science Fair
Over the last few months the Grade 6 and 7 students have been hard at work on their Science Fair projects. Working in groups they come up with a research question and design an experimental protocol. They spend many hours in the laboratory, trouble-shooting problems that arise and collecting data. After the practical phase they analyze their data and use it to answer their research question.
On Friday May 12th each group will make a poster presentation of their work in the Cougar Café from 2:20 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. to visitors from the school community, Grade 5 students and students from the Secondary school. The best presentations will receive prizes in the final Middle School assembly of the year and we are honored that this year we will also have some judges from Yokohama Science Frontier High School.
This is the culmination of the academic year for Grade 6 and 7 and allows the students to put into practice the scientific skills that they have covered since August. The Middle School Science Fair is an excellent opportunity for parents and families to see their children in action.
You are warmly invited to attend!