- Mary Anne Suzuki
- Science
Saint Maur Yokohama Science Frontier High School Research Day
Saint Maur International School welcomed six students from Yokohama Science Frontier high School (YSFH) to take part in the practical phase of the IB Group 4 (Science/IT) project, held at the Saint Maur Science Centre on 20th October 2017. Grade 12 students formed inter-disciplinary Science groups and investigated a topic of their choice on the theme of ‘uncertainty’. Students designed the experimental protocol themselves, set up the apparatus, recorded data and wrote up a short report on their findings. International mindedness is a key component of all IB Group 4 subjects.
Students from Saint Maur and YSFH were able to experience their different approaches to scientific research first-hand while discussing how to overcome the challenges of their investigation. There were many smiling faces as students researched on topics ranging from ‘the relationship between citric acid content and the resistivity of fruit and vegetables’ through to ‘finding the parallel component of acceleration due to gravity’. This was just one example of the very fruitful collaboration between Saint Maur International School and YSFH. We are grateful to Mr. Y. Kurisu for facilitating the collaboration from the YSFH side.