- Dr Mary Anne Suzuki
- Science
Success for Saint Maur Scientists at YSF-FIRST 2024
On 16th March two of our Seniors represented Saint Maur International School at the Forum of International Research in Science and Technology (YSF-FIRST 2024) held at Yokohama Science Frontier High School.
There were over fifty poster presentations by students representing six schools in Japan, some collaborating with students in Malaysia. The event was open to selected members of the public, researchers and faculty from Yokohama City University, Juntendo University, and guests from the Yokohama International House comprising of visiting International Researchers and staff from participating schools. Each student produced a poster of their research which they presented to the visitors over a two-hour period. After the poster presentations, attendees were treated to a humerous and informative lecture "Microbes Matter: From a Food Security Perspective" by Dr. Mohd. Termizi Yusof, Head of the Microbiology Department at the Univesiti Putra Malaysia.
The poster presentations were judged by 4 members of the International Student House and four of the visiting Professors. Congratulations are due to both of our students who were winners of a Best Poster Presentation award.
At times there were large groups of visitors around the posters of our two Seniors, who presented the results of their IB Individual Investigations in Physics and Chemistry. They made excellent presentations, answering a variety of questions from the interested onlookers in languages that varied from English to Japanese and even Chinese!
Despite being their first experience of a formal Poster Presentation style conference, they both carried themselves well and presented professionally. We are very grateful to our sister school, Yokohama Science Frontier High School, for providing this excellent opportunity to our students. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with them in the near future.