- Rebecca Kelsey
- Technology
Robot Rumble 2017
On Saturday May 6th, Saint Maur Middle School students entered the Yokota Robot Rumble with 32 different teams entered from across four different schools. Held at Yokota Air Base, the Robot Rumble is a combination of three events, which test programming, driver control and team-work.
If there is one thing our students do so well it is representing us as a positive force and cohesively working as a team.
Our teams showed how they could work on their feet and program at a moment's notice. For some students they only enrolled in this competition two weeks ago and had never even played two of the games before. A big congratulations to our Grade 6 students Ross, Masanori, Daniel, Kai and Yoshito.
We had a great result making the final of the autonomous programming event with Paul and Edouard’s robot. We also reached the quarter final of the World Cup Soccer with France and Mexico. Their teams were made up from Hiroaki, Craig, Lynn, Maria, Paul and Edouard.
I was also impressed with the team-work of our Japan soccer team who have only worked together once before because of the team changes last week. Yet they supported each other in learning the controller, they discussed tactics, encouraged each other and just made me so proud to watch. Well done Hyunjeen, Rin, Yurina and Milla.
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us in the development of our robotics program and enabled us to begin joining and hosting these types of events. Especially a big thank you to donors such as the PSG and Friends of Saint Maur who have enabled both our club and curriculum development.
Please enjoy these photos and videos for a view of what went on at this huge event.
Robot Rumble #1 from Saint Maur International School on Vimeo.
Robot Rumble #2 from Saint Maur International School on Vimeo.