Day: Tuesdays on
January: 21 and 28
February: 4, 11 and 18
Time: 10:30 am - 11.30 am
Location: Upper Rec Hall
Limited to: 6 participants
About the Class:
Have you always wanted to learn a musical instrument and be able to just play for fun and enjoyment?
Ukulele is a great instrument to begin that journey.
You will learn some music basics including notes and rhythms, chording, picking, and strumming and you’ll be singing and playing a song in your first week.
About the Facilitator:
Rex is from Canada and plays and teaches a variety of instruments including drums, guitar and beginner piano. He has been leading instrumental and vocal groups for over 40 years.
What to bring:
A Soprano (21”) or Concert (23”) Ukulele which can be obtained through Amazon for approx $40 USD. We will also be downloading an APP on your smartphone.
Here is a link to a lovely “kit” including a bag and tuner for under 6,000¥.
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